If someone told you that you are STUPID, will you just say “Yes I am”??
I just wondering why sometimes I just accept what people said about me, what people think about something, and what people agree just because most of them say Yes. Ask!. Skeptic!. Life is so funny because sometimes someone judge that people around him/her are “infidel” just because they do not believe same religion or do not do the same way of praying (even they have same religion). So funny because actually God who has the right to say that!.
I will never blame myself just because I did something sinful based on other point of a view—except they have Al-Qur`an and shahih Hadist as the references. Cause the One who has that right is Allah. ^^
How could I hurt myself and avoid something that is prohibited according to somebody—not according to Allah?. They said these and those, same part are true but some other are not. Not because Allah is not Perfect but because when human trying to understand and do what Allah suggest to do, sometimes they misunderstand, so they do not do like His/Her intention.
My relation with Him/Her become so close than before if I ENJOY this religion. Not hurting myself with avoiding authentic happiness. Actually Allah want Her/His creature enjoy their life and life after death. Why don`t we just following His/Her suggestion—TRUE suggestion (not according to someone else).
So whenever people around me talk about the way to do something, to live our life, to interact with other, etc, from now, I will check them up. Because the cover sometimes not same with the content. Because I need to make sure that what they said are the truth.
Life is to learn. So Fun to be here, ask, and learn everyday.
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